
我目前的研究以守門機制為主軸,以計算方法探究守門機制中,不同類型的守門人或中介者的角色。在最近的研究中,我以音樂產業中的守門機制為例,探討影響組織創新程度之差異的因素。另外,在我參與的跨國研究中,我們經由分析2020年前後的音樂演出資料,了解 COVID-19 對台灣、美國與希臘的三個城市之現場音樂產業,以及其中之守門者與其他行動者的影響。



Emory University社會學博士 


  • 中山大學社會學系助理教授
  • 淡江大學大眾傳播學系助理教授
  • 香港大學新聞及傳媒研究中心博士後研究員
  • University of Virginia Library研究員
  • 期刊論文

    1. Tai, Yun. 2023. “The Ties that Conform: Legitimacy and Innovation of Live Music
    Venues and Local Music Scenes.” Poetics. (SSCI)
    2. Tai, Yun, and King-wa Fu. 2020. “Specificity, Conflict, and Focal Point: A Systematic
    Investigation into Social Media Censorship in China.” Journal of Communication 70(6):842– 67. (SSCI)
    3. Dowd, Timothy J., Trent Ryan, and Yun Tai. 2016. “Talk of Heritage: Critical Benchmarks and DIY Preservationism in Progressive Rock.” Popular Music and Society 39(1):97–125. (AHCI)
    * Reprinted: Dowd, Timothy J., Trent Ryan, and Yun Tai. 2017. “Talk of Heritage: Critical
    Benchmarks and DIY Preservationism in Progressive Rock.” Pp. 96–124 in Popular Music,
    Cultural Memory, and Heritage, edited by A. Bennett and S. Janssen. London: Routledge.
    4. Tai, Yun. 2012. “The Efficacy of Audience Building among Nonprofit Cultural Organizations: The Impact of Marketing Strategies and Organizational Attributes.” Megatrend Review 9(1).


    1. Dowd, Timothy J., Yun Tai, and Dimitrios Zaras. 2022. “The sounds of silence: Concerts,
    musicians, and the COVID-19 pandemic.” Pp. 102-120 in Remaking Culture and Music Spaces: Affects, Infrastructures, Futures, edited by I. Woodward, J. Haynes, P. Berkers, A. Dillane, and K. Golemo. London: Routledge.
    2. 戴昀,2022,〈「中國特色」的網際網路、社交媒體與公民社會〉。頁 97-115,收錄於王維菁、林玉鵬、王俐容編,《AI 時代的數位傳播素養教育》。台北:五南。
  • 大學部:社會統計
  • 碩士班:量化研究