時間:112/3/8 星期三 13:30-15:30
主講:Pauline Stoltz 中山大學西灣學院客座副教授
題目:Gender, citizenship, and human rights: Time and the transnational politics of memories
內容簡介:It is productive to combine intersectional and transnational approaches to citizenship and human rights by focusing on notions of place, space, and agency. Postcolonial feminist and decolonizing approaches urge us to also consider time. This is fruitfully combined in the study of ‘transnational memory politics’. I discuss the nexus between memory, activism and citizenship by focusing on the ways in which collective memories of national pasts not always include narratives about historical wrong-doings and intersectional inequalities. I use examples of antiracist, gendered and sexual citizenship and human rights struggles in different Black Lives Matter (BLM) mobilizations to illustrate my points.